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Custom sized canvas prints

Custom sized canvas prints

Artistic print, photo, writing on canvas, all your artwork will create a striking impression. Frameless and printed on high-quality cotton fabric, your images will look like they are hanging in a gallery.

  • Fade-resistant and environmentally friendly inks
  • Spruce frame
  • Frame depth depends on design: 2cm or 4cm
  • Custom-sized width and height (e.g. panorama shots on 30 x 150 cm)
  • Print stapled on the reverse
  • Toothed picture hook included
  • Minimum order 1 unit
Custom sized canvas prints Custom sized canvas prints Custom sized canvas prints Custom sized canvas prints Detailed view of materials on front: 260Gsm recycled polyester fabric made from SEAQUAL® YARN central: 205gsm satin material back: 360gsm cotton fabric Detailed view of materials on front: 260Gsm recycled polyester fabric made from SEAQUAL® YARN central: 205gsm satin material back: 360gsm cotton fabric Detailed image: canvas depth 2cm and 4cm compared Comparison of canvases with 2cm and 4cm frame depths Custom sized canvas prints 205gsm satin fabric

Please note: only one design possible per order.

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Canvas prints

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Product details: Delivered pre-assembled, stapled on the reverse, canvas frame made from spruce, toothed picture hook included with the order

How to place an order (or get a quote)

Custom sized canvas prints - place the order

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